45:"Gone Fishin'" is a song written in 1950 by Nick Kenny (1895-1975) and Charles Kenny (1898-1992), and recorded by Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong in 1951. It was a hit in the United States. It was preceded by Bing & Gary Crosby's hit recording of "Moonlight Bay" (hence the reference to Gary on "Gone Fishin'") and followed by "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening" (with Jane Wyman).
U.S. double LP that includes "Gone Fishin'":Listen to Bing & Louis perform "Gone Fishin'":
...and now, an English lesson: "The song title, and its usage within the lyrics, are an example of the use of the verb 'to go' together with the gerund of a verb which is a leisure activity or, as in this case, the meaning of the verb as a leisure activity is understood."