
Gone Fishin'" is a song written in 1950 by Nick Kenny (1895-1975) and Charles Kenny (1898-1992), and recorded by Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong in 1951. It was a hit in the United States. It was preceded by Bing & Gary Crosby's hit recording of "
Moonlight Bay" (hence the reference to Gary on "
Gone Fishin'") and followed by "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening" (with Jane Wyman).
U.S. double LP that includes "Gone Fishin'":

Listen to Bing & Louis perform "Gone Fishin'":
...and now, an English lesson: "The song title, and its usage within the lyrics, are an example of the use of the verb 'to go' together with the gerund of a verb which is a leisure activity or, as in this case, the meaning of the verb as a leisure activity is understood."